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HomeFitnessBeat the Winter Blues With These Wellness Tips

Beat the Winter Blues With These Wellness Tips

Wellness tips for winter
It’s easy to stay healthy with our wellness tips for winter!

Every season has its pros and cons, and it’s essential you understand wellness tips for winter to help you enjoy the season safely and reliably.

Winter wonderlands and mall Santas are part of the holiday romance, but in truth, there are dangers to cold temperatures and winter weather. You can stay cozy and safe by planning and preparing your home as well as your body. 

Prep for extreme temperatures by dressing efficiently and keeping power outage supplies at hand. If your power went out during a storm, do you have enough candles, matches, heat sources, blankets, water, etc.? Don’t wait until the last minute to plan for dangerous events. 

If you keep yourself well-stocked for winter, you are more likely to stay healthy and beat winter blues when the cold starts to set. 

Wellness Tips for Winter Living

There are multiple ways to ensure that you keep your ducks in a row as much as possible, which can be a challenging task when you’re surrounded by peppermint candy and cozy couches.

Not only should you consider keeping your health and wellness in tip-top shape, but the environment around you as well. 

Here are a few tips that might help you achieve both:

Keep Your Home Safe and Sound

Keep your loved ones secure and cozy with these tips.

If you’re staying inside, you want to know that your home is safe. By planning ahead, you can do the utmost to ensure that you are warm, dry, and secure during the holidays:

  • Insulate your home, install storm windows and weather stripping
  • Repair any damaged pipes and insulate them
  • Clean your gutters
  • Repair or replace damaged roof
  • Inspect your heating 
  • Inspect your fireplace and chimney
  • Keep batteries at hand
  • Make sure flashlights and candles are easily accessible, even if you can’t see
  • Install a smoke detector
  • Install a CO detector
  • Have plenty of water on standby for cooking, drinking, bathing if the power goes out for a while
  • Have alternative fuels and a propane stove to cook food if the power goes out
  • Keep your phone charged

Keep Up With Your Health 

You don’t want this to be you!

Now that your surroundings are taken care of, how can you protect yourself from the elements? 

Wellness tips for winter are all about taking care of your environment and your health, including:

Layer up: One of the worst ways to feel miserable is by being cold. While some people enjoy the sensation, the rest of us can feel the winter wind in our bones. Instead, put increasingly warm layers on, with the base layer being wool or a non-absorbent material so you can feel nice and snug. A nice wind-resistant jacket keeps that bone-shaking cold at bay, and you can feel secure any time you step out. 

Always hydrate: Drinking plenty of water isn’t just for hot summer action. Your body always needs lots of water to feel replenished and restored. An excellent way to track your water intake is by carrying a water bottle with you, and it’s an environmentally friendly way to keep a finger on how much you’ve drunk. 

Get your beauty rest: Studies have shown that at least eight hours of sleep can help you reduce anxiety, winter blues and even boost your immune system. If you have a hard time falling asleep, consider a bedtime routine that involves turning off your phone and TV at least 30 minutes before sleeping. Taking melatonin is another safe but effective way to fall asleep gently. Other benefits to sleeping in include losing weight and lowering your blood pressure. Plus, a good long rest feels excellent!

Check-in with yourself: If you’ve ever heard of practicing mindfulness, it’s a great way to reduce anxiety and even emotional reactions. Practitioners are known to handle pain better and remain calm in times of crisis. Put simply, being mindful means you become more aware of yourself, which is helpful when you’re in a season known for Seasonal Affective Disorder and other emotional behavior. 

Maintain a skin regimen: Have you ever noticed how dry your skin gets in the winter? Your lips chap easily, and your hands look ashy, but this is easily remedied with thoughtful and effective skincare. Don’t forget to apply lotion on your hands and face and lip balm any time your lips feel dry. 

Keep your body in motion: It’s tempting to hibernate when the days grow shorter and colder, but it’s important to moderate your rest. Even if it’s just a walk around your neighborhood or shoveling snow, any kind of activity that keeps your heart rate up is perfect for lowering stress levels and blood pressure, helping you lose weight, and encouraging better sleep. 

We know how cozy it is to curl up in blankets and your favorite book/human/pet. Still, there are health benefits to going outside and enjoying some fresh air and vitamin D, since exposing yourself to the sun’s rays keeps your natural circadian rhythm in balance, essential to your health. 

Put some healthy layers on, grab a hot drink, download your favorite podcast and go on a COVID-free walk outside.

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you have to put your social life on hold! Practice some wellness tips for winter this season to avoid feeling the winter blues.

Interested in learning how to stay fit when you want to hibernate? Read on!


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