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HomeFitness10 New Winter Fitness Tips for Staying Active

10 New Winter Fitness Tips for Staying Active

No matter how dedicated you are to health and fitness, remaining motivated during winter can be challenging. Read on for winter fitness tips that are sure to inspire you.

The cold days and long nights easily entice you to stay inside with hot cocoa and a good book instead of venturing outside.

However, it’s essential you remember the value of fitness. Regular physical activity and exercise support strong bones and muscles, improve cardiovascular health, respiratory health, and overall health. Keeping active keeps your weight low and reduces your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. 

In other words, it’s important to keep your body moving.

Don’t let the holiday season disrupt your everyday routine! Here are some winter fitness tips to staying motivated even if the weather outside is frightful:

Find a partner or group

Winter fitness tips
Increase your motivation with a partner!

When you exercise alone, it’s really easy to talk yourself out of maintaining a fitness routine. Therefore, use the magic of social pressure to your benefit. It’s harder to skip an exercise session when you have a partner or group that expects you to show up. If you’re having a hard time showing up for yourself, you may find it easier to show up for a friend. Plus, cold winter months can influence us to hibernate. Exercising with a partner gives you support, camaraderie, and a reason to brave the cold. 

If you don’t already have an exercise buddy, you can find the one through Jaha, an Apple app that allows you to find others near you to exercise with. All you need to do is complete your profile, catalog your interests, location range, age range, and gender. Boom! Your workout buddy is just around the corner. 

Change into workout clothes right after work

Cue your active lifestyle

Whether you work in an office or from home, what you wear can impact your behavior psychologically. The idea is that you feel compelled to stay active and meet your fitness goals once you’ve put some effort into it. 

Focus on the benefits

It can be frustrating when you put effort into being healthy and you don’t see the pounds melt away. Remember that it can take a while to see any changes. Instead, focus on the benefits to your mental health, which can happen immediately.

You may notice that you feel less stressed, happier, more relaxed yet full of energy. Being active can help you combat seasonal affective disorder and feel good. 

Challenge yourself to hit the gym

When we don’t challenge ourselves, we remain stagnant. Focus on just showing up to the gym or online yoga video. It’s OK if you don’t stay the entire time and leave early. The fact is, you met your goal.

Committing yourself to anything means taking things a step at a time. 

Remember to stay safe

The key to exercising in the cold is staying dry and warm. With a bit of forethought, you can stay comfortable and protect yourself from the elements.

When you sweat, damp clothing can steal body heat and expose you to hypothermia. If you’re working out in snow or cold weather, try to use moisture-wicking fabrics in layers and not cotton, and this keeps you dry and safe while you’re working up a sweat!

Stay active in the comfort of your own home

Keep warm with at-home winter activities

When you just don’t want to deal with snow, ice, or uncomfortable temperatures, consider working out at home. There are many exercises and yoga videos you can try out to keep your body flexible and improve your balance and strength. 

Play outside with your kids

Bring out your inner kid with outdoor winter fun

Staying the entire winter indoors can affect your mental and physical health. Enjoy the fresh air by engaging with a young one or pet. Plus, you’ll be able to bring out your own inner child. When was the last time you ran around and played? You’re never too old to have fun!

Take a hike

Even beginners can enjoy the natural outdoors. Just hike at your own pace and choose a trail that supports your experience level. Few things are as meditative and mind-clearing as walking in the solitude of your thoughts. Pay attention to the changing colors of the leaves around you, the crispness of the air, and the sound your footsteps make on the trail. 

Swim in an indoor pool

There is nothing more beneficial than regular swimming. It can reduce the stress on our joints and let us exercise at our own pace. Heated pools can also help soothe any muscle soreness and let us relax while we get healthier during the winter months. 

Sign up for a new fitness class

Even the busiest person can benefit from a fitness class!

No winter fitness tips can be complete without adding a class or two to your routine!

Why not add a new item to your daily or weekly routine to help boost your mood and keep you toned? Consider looking into belly dancing or pilates. You can even try a new class each month! After all, learning something new has cognitive benefits by creating new neural pathways and keeping your mind stimulated.

On top of staying active, don’t neglect your winter diet. Stay slim with delicious recipes!

Don’t let the cold weather turn you into a couch potato during the holidays! Get out there and stay active with our ten helpful winter fitness tips. Don’t be afraid to stray outside your comfort zone and invest in yourself. 


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